Background Verification
Background checking is the process of authenticating the information supplied to a potential employer by a job applicant in his or her resume, application, interviews, and references. In most application processes, lying about their background and credentials will keep the employer from hiring the applicant.
Screening job candidates has become an increasingly important step in the hiring process, yet not all employers use employment background checks to their best advantage. What should all employers understand about conducting successful employment background checks to ensure that they build the best teams?
This is the information that employers should seek to find when they perform essential and professional background checks. Background checks can include an array of personal information about job applicants, such as-
- Verification of NID: We will confirm the authentication of the provided NID from respective authority.
- Verification of address: We will visit the location and ensure the authenticated accordingly in prescribed from.
- Dhaka City (Upto Uttara/zatrabari/ Gabtoli, Babu Bazar)
- Out of Dhaka city.
- County criminal history or Police verification: Any one service we can offer.
- We will collect data from court of the respective judicial court if there any record of criminal offence.
- We also collect police verification report but it may take longer period according to experience it may take up to 3/4 months. In some cases, personal appearance may require to get report in urgent basis.
- Employment history verification: According to your expectation we will collect the employment history of the incumbent for last 3 years or last 2 companies.
- Education history and degrees: We will get the last one or highest certificate verified from respective authority of the institute. You have provide the actual fees to collect the verified document according to respective institute.
- Reference verification: We will verify the provided reference of the incumbent.
- Professional license verification: We would get the licenses verified by the authority.
- Social media screening: We will submit report on social media activity including Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter in our prescribed form.